🔗 Element Kind Exercise

This exercise will demonstrate creating arrays with various element kinds, and transitioning between kinds.

You can launch a v8 REPL under gdb with exercise run v8 --gdb.

🔗 Find Element Kind of an Array

  • Create an array with some number of elements
  • Call %DebugPrint on the array and look for "elements kind" under the array's Map

🔗 Create Different Types of Arrays

Try to create an array with each of the following element kinds:

  Reveal Answer
let a = [1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1]; // PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS let b = [41, 41, 41, 41]; // PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS let c = [1.1, 41, {}, []]; // PACKED_ELEMENTS let d = [1.1]; d[3]=1.1; // HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS let e = [1.1]; e[3]={}; // HOLEY_ELEMENTS let f = [1.1]; f[10000]=1.1; // DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS

🔗 Examining Array Memory

For each of the array types you want to examine:

  • Print the array's memory address using %DebugPrint (make sure to subtract 1 from the address before using it to remove the tag bit)
  • Break into gdb by hitting ctrl-c or running %SystemBreak()
  • Dump the arrays memory using x/100gx <address>
  • Does the memory match how you expect each element kind to be stored?

🔗 Tracing Element Kind Transitions

Now experiment with transitioning an array through various element kinds.

  • Create an array with a specific element kind (such as PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS)
  • Add an element to the array which would cause the element kind to change (such as adding a string or object to a PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS array)
  • Use %DebugPrint to observe the new element kind

d8 provides a flag --trace-elements-transitions intended to log a message every time the Map of an object or array has its element kind changed. This logging, however, doesn't always trigger for all transitions, so manually using %DebugPrint is recommended. We mention this flag for reference.

For the following snippet, try to infer the resulting element kind for each statement. Execute each line and use %DebugPrint to check your assumptions.

let a = [1, 2, 3] a[3] = 4.4 a[4] = true delete a[1] a[5000] = 7
  Reveal Answer
let a = [1, 2, 3] // PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS a[3] = 4.4 // PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS a[4] = true // PACKED_ELEMENTS delete a[1] // HOLEY_ELEMENTS a[5000] = 7 // DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS